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What is Good Writing? (Wild Card)

Is there "bad writing"? I realize there are grammatical errors and certain rules we should follow when we write, but is writing is truly subjective and personal, how can we tell someone what they expressed was wrong? I find this concept puzzling but straight forward at the same time. Towards the beginning of the semester, we discussed rules for writing and certain guidelines to follow throughout the semester within our writing. Some rules we discussed were:

-Always use correct spelling, punctuation, language, etc.

-Always include a strong thesis in the introduction paragraph

-Avoid "things"

-Set up your papers: Introduction, Body (usually 3 paragraphs), Conclusion

-Don't start a statement with "because"

-Use transitional words such as "futhermore, therefore, moreover..." etc.

-Create a proper formatted header

-Start with an outline/ rough draft

...and so on.

Within this discussion, we were given all different types of writing pieces, and were told to place them in order of best to worst. We were given proper essays, poems, and also song lyrics. This was when we started to realize the point behind this exercise. There are all different types of writing. Some writing, such as poems, are free-flowing and completely unique. Song lyrics sometimes rhyme, and other times don't have a rhyme or reason to them. Are these pieces of writing bad because they don't follow the rules we decided? I don't think so. The beauty to writing is the endless opportunity. You can write a poem ranting about something and there are no guidelines you have to follow necessarily. If you're turning in an essay for a class that has presented rules and guidelines, I would recommend following them. However, if it a piece of writing you are writing for enjoyment or to express your thoughts, the options are endless.

The question "What is good writing?" can be answered in many ways. To me, good writing is writing that makes you feel good. Unless it is for an assignment and requires you to follow rules, write what you are wanting to say. Write whatever your heart desires, and you aren't wrong.

"The difference between good writers and bad writers has little to do with skill. It has to do with perseverance. Bad writers quit. Good writers keep going. That’s all there is to it." -Jeff Goins

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