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Sydney Cline

English 101


Welcome to my site! My name is Sydney Cline, and I'm a freshman at North Carolina State University majoring in Design Studies.  I'm from Hickory, North Carolina, where I have lived all of my life.  I have two brothers and two miniature dachshunds, Molly and Bo.  I love coffee shops, puppies, going to the beach,  listening to music, and being with friends.  I also love to sing when I get the chance to.  I deeply enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures and foods. This website was created to display my writing pieces and growth throughout the semester in English 101.  I hope you enjoy it! 

Writing is a great creative outlet for anyone to use at any time.  I love keeping a journal with me and setting time aside to express my thoughts from that day.  Throughout this course, I have learned how to successfully write a Rhetorical Analysis, create a Genre remix, and observe and analyze a community for my Ethnography.  I have further developed my writing technique, and given myself room to think outside of the box.   I thoroughly enjoyed creating this website, and incorporating my writing in a digital and visual way.  Through our discussions, I have learned the art of using experiences and influence around you to further generate ideas.  I have also learned how to successfully appeal to logos, ethos, and pathos to truly connect to the audience.  Despite the negative connotation sometimes given towards technology, I have come to appreciate the many resources at our fingertips or a click away.  As Anais Nin stated, "We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."

My Thoughts on Writing

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