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Open Windows & Look Outside

Growing up the only girl with two brothers, I prefered to spend time outside; either exploring the woods behind my house with them or meeting up with my friends at the playground nearby. The highlight of my day coming home from school would be the opportunity to hop on my bike and ride through the neighborhood, or coming up with a new game to play.

As a young child, I remember being allowed to watch TV every once in a while, and I always loved Dragon Tales and Barney. However, I didn't have any technology of my own to play with until I was much older. My room was full of Barbies, pretend kitchen supplies, books, and stuffed Webkinz I was obsessed with. Christmases were excitement over a Barbie cash register and stroller for my doll, not a mini iPad or iPod. It blows me away how different things are now, and the access to technology and information that such young children are exposed to now. In high school I spent a lot of my free time babysitting to earn money. When I really began to notice a technology problem was when I was having to force the kids to put down their iPads and play outside. This blew my mind. The five year old is using an ipad daily, but also has access to Youtube and every app possible without any restriction.

Along with the many concerns of children spending such a large amount of time in front of a screen, another concern is the access to information at such a young age. Extremely young girls are now on Instagram and social media, comparing themselves to other girls and seeing what older teenagers are posting. They are already exposed to the pressures of looking a certain way, and finding self worth through the amount of likes they get on a picture. Is this safe? Should eight year olds or thirteen year olds be able to have an Instagram? Not only is this young generation being exposed to things too early, imagine their children! This cycle is just going to continue to worsen. I'll admit, I spend way too much time on my phone. Growing up without one, I didn't immediately become this way. My first phone was my older brother's old beat up one, with monitored minutes that restricted my ability to text and call a month. I got my first smartphone sometime in high school, but I didn't use it nearly as much as I do now.

College courses now are becoming more technology-based, and I use my computer throughout the day to work on assignments and post them to Moodle. I don't find this technology source as a negative one, however, it is true that students rely on their computers now for research and writing composition now more than ever. We are constantly reminded that we spend too much time on our phones and computers, which is true, but I also believe we will be able to absorb information quickly and be adaptable within our careers.

Technology as a whole is not a negative part of society. It is a incredibly valuable and useful way to gather information instantly, communicate with others, and expand our knowledge of the world. However, it becomes damaging when we overuse it. Along with growing used to technology, we need to slow dowm and take time to appreciate and explore the world around us. Rather than pinning beautiful scenery on Pinterest, we need to seek out that scenery all around us.

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