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My Discourse Communities

As James Gee explains in "Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics", a Discourse is a sort of 'identity kit' which "comes complete with the appropriate costume and instructions on how to act, talk, and often write, so as to take on a particular role that others will recognize." For example, a Discourse for everyone is whether you are male or female. You then go further with identifying your socioeconomic class, job within society, ethnicity, and so on. Discourses are developed through "socially situated cognition." Interacting within society allows for individuals to identify with Discourses around them, often times simply seeing the same qualities within themselves that were already there.

A primary Discourse, is the first one we use to make sense of the world and how we interact with others. In my case, my primary Discourse is my family. I believe they are my primary Discourse because they have always been there, guiding me and teaching me everything I've needed to know. My family plays a large role in the type of person I am today, regardless of how cliche that sounds. My parents raised my brothers and I to hold standards for ourselves, treat others with respect, and be the best person we can be. One thing I appreciate most from my parents is the constant love and understanding they show, regardless of how many times I mess up and disappoint them. This love for me gives me the ability to continue to love those around me who do the same. There is always tension within a family, but our relationship to each other will always be there no matter what.

Next there are nondominant Discourses, which involves the acquisition of social "goods" such as money, prestige, status, etc. Since I am currently a college student, I lack a true sense of all of these goods. I would consider myself a part of the middle class Discourse. I'm still partially reliant on my parents for money, and my status within society stems from them. I do have a status within my community as a student, and I live my daily life putting my studies and education first. There are many times where tension and stress arise from my status as a student, and putting my studies before relationships and personal health has occurred before.

My primary and secondary discourses are just beginning to develop more as I grow older and mature into an adult. I still rely on others and fall heavily into holding the same beliefs and values of those around me due to my age. Once I graduate college and begin my own life, I belive I will truly develop a sense of status and place within society that is unique to me.

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