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Is Everything a Remix?

This question can be controversial for a few reasons, mostly because everything we do can be seen as a replica of something else. From my hair color to my shoe choice, every decision has occurred based off of experience and prior influence. However, there are still innovations and new technology being created that our generation hasn’t seen before. The concept that everything around us is based off of something else is true, but shouldn't mean we are always copying the past. As humans, we are all susceptible to influences coming from family, peers, media, etc., all while trying to create a name and future for ourselves. Growing up, we are told right from wrong, and mostly how to do things. In class it was mentioned that our lives are based off of what our parents have told us to believe, and this is true for most. Some individuals choose to adapt more creative thinking processes, while others stick to a more structured way of solving problems in their lives. For me, I tend to enjoy more creative ways of thinking, and it can definitely be hard to develop unique ideas without basing it off of something I’ve seen before. I wish I could create or design an entirely new creation or idea, but most likely this won’t be the case.

The video we watched in class illustrated the many movies, songs, and innovations out there remixing previous works or using pieces of it in their new piece. The only time when this can be problematic is when artists use exact lyrics or melodies without giving any credit or permission from the original creator, or when companies steal ideas and use them too closely to something already invented and call it their own. The video mentioned a “social evolution,” where a process of copying, transforming, and combining takes place. I see this social evolution taking place with the pressure to buy what is new, whether or not it truly is better. IPhones are constantly adapting and transforming simply because the companies know changing it slightly and increasing the price will make consumers think it is worth buying. This is just one example of the gradual transformation from one innovation to another, and how our society falls into this trap without question.

Going back to the original question, I believe most of what we do today is a remix or reflection of something we have been influenced by or taught. However, in the past when this knowledge and societal norms didn’t exist, it was a different story. I wish the concept of building off of one another wasn’t portrayed negatively, because I believe being surrounded by other unique and creative individuals should influence you and the way you think.

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