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At This Moment

At this moment, I'm 18 years old, about 5'7", and still very indecisive and sarcastic. I still struggle with making simple decisions like what food I want to eat, or what I want to wear in the mornings even though I end up wearing the same thing everyday. That's still me.

At this moment, I'm stressed, pretty hungry, and very tired.

Right now, I'm learning what it feels like to be a college student stressing over finals. One test counting 30% of my overall grade is a lot. Wow. However, compared to some other students, I am pretty lucky with the exam load I have. I truly only have one written exam to take, but just along with other projects and presentations to take care of. In high school, exams were stressful to some degree, but I'm realizing how much pressure is placed on your ability to perform on an exam at the end of a semester in college. I'm awful at math, and my current Calculus grade is placing so much pressure on my final exam grade. That stresses me out more than anything.

At this moment, I'm finishing up my first semester of college. That's crazy. It doesn't necessarily feel like I've just moved in, but I honestly don't feel like I've completed a semester quite yet. I genuinely like English and writing, so I'm sad to be done with this class. Calculus, however, not so much. Along with being done with classes, I'm eager and excited for a long and relaxing Christmas break, and some time to prepare for a new year and new semester. Although I'm going to study as hard as I can to prepare for my finals, I have to trust in my ability and focus on doing my best. I tend to stress way too much over something, rather than buckling down and doing something about it.

Overall, this moment in my life is stressful, but could be way worse. I am currently attending an awesome school, making tons of new friends, and blessed in so many ways. It's so easy to focus on the stressful things going on in life, rather than remembering all of the good things going for me. I am a huge fan of quotes, so here are a couple that I picked out for this lovely season of finals.

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” – John Wooden

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” – Bruce Lee

"God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." --Reinhold Niebuhr

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