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Writing is something we do constantly, whether we realize it or not. It could be through sending a text to a friend, commenting on something online, or writing to complete an assignment or task. In today's society, writing has become a powerful way to communicate with others, and keep up with what is going on in the world.

I've started keeping a journal with me in my bookbag so I can set aside time throughout the day to record my thoughts that day, any quotes I love, or pieces of my day that were special. I love setting time aside throughout the day to sit down and write this down so I know I won't forget them. I tend to forget details easily, and writing everything down prevents that from happening. I also love writing and listening to music during the middle of a stressful day, as a way to relax and give my mind time to as well. Like most other students I'm sure though, writing in school can be time consuming and stressful. Writing timed essays in classes and during the SAT provides a stressful environment and creative restriction that I don't like. I would like to consider myself a pretty decent writer, but I also simply learned in high school how to follow strict guidelines and set up my papers with the required format and grammar necessary to receive a good grade. For me, I prefer getting to write down my own thoughts freely in order to record what is happening or how I am reacting to certain things in my life.

I really like how Amy Poehler addressed writing. She stated, "Everyone lies about writing...They perpetuate a romantic idea that writing is some beautiful experience that takes place in an architectural room filled with leather novels and chai tea." To me, this is so accurate. Most people have this perception that "writers" have to be professional and use exaggerrated vocabulary, in a very artistic and hipster way. To me, though, writing can take place anywhere and by anyone. It doesn't matter if you are writing a professional piece about literature or simply your favorite part of your day in your journal; it's all writing. We are all capable of writing, and this is why I love the ability to create any type of writing that I desire and it's never truly wrong.

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